Men’s Health Month
June 27, 2024
Whether you are a six-pack-abs guy or just a six-pack guy, Men’s Health Month reminds all males that self-care is important.
According to the CDC, men in the United States, on average, die five years earlier than women and die at higher rates from the three leading causes of death: heart disease, cancer, and unintentional injuries (the latter likely more profession-related than “Florida Man” meme-related). Men are much more susceptible to four types of cancer: colorectal, lung, prostate, and skin cancer. Men’s Health Month encourages men to take control of their health, and for families to teach young boys healthy habits throughout childhood that they can carry with them for the rest of their lives.
Better habits, for instance, can help prevent or mitigate the four cancers listed above. Regular colonoscopies, quitting smoking, annual checkups/screenings, and using sunblock/skin coverings when in the sun can reduce the risk of each of these cancers or lead to early detection and a better chance of survival.
Three habits, in particular, are worth picking up during Men’s Health Month and continuing for the rest of your (healthier) life:
- eating healthier;
- exercising regularly; and
- getting regular checkups with a medical professional.
Too many men currently fail at one or more of these simple habits. Perhaps restarting your men’s health journey with a visit to one of [medical group name]’s primary care physicians might help you to begin making the grade and achieving better health. If you don’t currently have a physician, visit or call 208.750.7355.
Similar to how we recognize Women’s Health Month and Mother’s Day in May, June does the same for Men’s Health Month and Father’s Day. The creators of these recognition months likely felt that tying the events together makes sense – we want healthy mothers and fathers around as long as possible and want to be healthy mothers and fathers as long as possible.
So guys, this month and every month – take care of yourselves. Eat well, exercise, and see your doctor regularly. Let’s make it a happy and healthy Men’s Health Month!